Dear Family, Friends and Elders and Sisters who have served in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission,
This is President Shumway. Usually, Sister Shumway is the one that keeps up on this blog but I felt like I wanted to be the one to share two things with anyone who might be interested.
First; as I know some of you have heard, the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission will officially cease to exist on July 1st, 2015. The Mission Home will be moved from Tulsa, to Bentonville, Arkansas which means the name of the mission will also change. The Oklahoma Tulsa Mission will become the Arkansas Bentonville Mission. There are no boundary changes. The Mission retains all of it's stakes and wards as presently constituted.
The First Presidency approved this change just a little over three weeks ago and so Sister Shumway and I are busily trying to close down the home in Tulsa and move furniture and office equipment to our new home in Bentonville.
This has been a long and complicated process but we have felt the Lord's hand, and His promptings, as each phase was completed. This new and more central location will mean much less travel for the Mission President and it will be much for efficient for the communication challenges that naturally exist in such a geographically large mission.
Our thoughts and emotions are tender as we think back on the 50 year history of the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission. This mission home has welcomed thousands of missionaries through it's doors. And it has bid an emotional and tearful goodbye to that same number. We are honored to be here at this time and we are well aware of the obligation we have to end strong as we remember the efforts given by everyone who has served and labored here in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission.
At the same time, we are excited to work towards the motto of, "End Strong, but, Begin Stronger." We will try and create as much momentum as we can so that the new Arkansas Bentonville Mission will carry on the tradition of hard work and obedience established by so many.
Second; we have been contacted by many who wondered when we would be reporting our mission to our home ward in Pleasant Grove, Utah. We will be speaking on July the 12th and church begins at 9:00 am. The address is1106 East 200 South...Pleasant Grove, Utah. We would LOVE to see you all there!!!
Sister Shumway and I have LOVED this mission and we count it as one of the greatest blessings of our lives to have served here at this time. We are truly torn. We want to go home...but we really don't want to leave. We will miss our service and the people that we have come to love. We will miss "our" missionaries and the beautiful scenery of Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas and Missouri. We will always pray for the Lord's work to hasten throughout the world, but our hearts will hold a special place for the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission.
Much Love,
President Shumway
Shumway Family Oklahoma Mission
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Monday, April 20, 2015
Hi Dear Family!
More full days flying by! We are sprinting!
Love you all!
President and Sister Shumway
Monday March 23rd, 2015
Today I was thinking about some of the great people we have
worked with here in the mission field-
and two of them called me!
I met _________ at Sam’s Club! He was at the register and checked out my groceries. The store was almost empty, no one else in
line, so we had a conversation about God right there. He didn’t believe in God and I told him that
perhaps I knew something that could change his mind. I invited him to call me- and surprise-
he did! I taught him the first
two concepts of the first lesson over the phone, with my “Preach My Gospel” in
my lap. I invited him to the mission
home for dinner and he came! And that
started the greatest friendship. Over
the last 2 and ½ years, _____has been to the mission home for dinner or
some activity more than a dozen times-
he’s part of the family now!
He investigated the church for a while, our Elders were
wonderful, but he never really gave it a fair chance. Maybe some day. He is only 20 something- he’s bright and has a desire to make a
difference in the world. So- we’ll just keep our friendship going. _____ just started a job as a truck
driver. Today he asked me if he could
come to Utah and spend his first vacation this summer with us!! We’ll take him to temple square- we’ll just keep teaching and loving.
_________ called me tonight- I love that dear woman! In the middle of her journey to learn about
the church and the gospel, the sister missionaries took me to meet her, and we
were instantly friends. We had some
great long visits at her home and over the phone about various aspects of the
gospel and she was baptized a year ago.
This May- in a month- she will go
to the temple for the first time, and I will go with her! What a blessing for me! I’m so grateful the Lord is still giving us
these wonderful experiences here at the end of our mission.
Wednesday 25- Friday 27, 2015 Transfer Week
Wednesday 25th
Oh my goodness! What
a transfer week we had! We picked up the
new missionaries from the airport. Their
flight came in late so we didn’t even get them back to the mission home until
after 4pm. On the way home, the black
clouds started rolling in. We had heard
earlier in the day that the weather today was set up for tornadoes- but you never know. We were going to stop at the office with our
group like we usually do, but the sky was looking ominous so we drove straight
back to the mission home. The
assistants, with the van and trailer were right behind us. It started raining, but not too bad, and the
wind hadn’t picked up so we thought we were probably ok. We had so much training to do, very quickly,
so we weren’t paying too much attention until the sky really got black and it
started to lightning. That always comes
first. We got right on the computer to
check the weather. They were showing the
makings of several tornadoes headed right toward Tulsa. Just about that time our tornado sirens went
off. Those sirens mean – take
cover. So we pulled everything out of a
couple of closets and made ourselves ready, while President Shumway stood on
the back porch and watched the clouds for signs of tornadoe activity. The sirens went off and on again twice
more, and there was lightening for a
couple of hours and heavy rain, but thankfully, the tornadoes didn’t actually
come close to us or harm any of our missionaries. There was some damage in Sand Springs, which
is in our mission, but no one was killed.
There was a tornado on the ground in Broken Arrow- my assistants were here helping me in the mission home while their families were at home
hiding in their closets. The power in
Broken Arrow was out for hours.
So- that’s the start
of tornado season! May it be the worst
we have to deal with this year! We
always worry about it. So many of our
missionaries are far away from us and we worry about them. Wonderful members take care of them, and we
have protocols in place for reporting how everyone is, but it is a little
scary. We just have to trust in the Lord,
and we do.
Wednesday April 1, 2015-
President and I left Tulsa at 6:30am for Rogers, AR to have
Mission Leadership Council there. We now
have 41 mission leaders- counting the assistants! It’s a big group of the most awesome young
people you have ever met. I love them
all dearly! They are the missionaries
that set the culture of our mission- we
depend on them for so much, and they do it!
We started with a half hour Sister’s Meeting - and then went straight into our
meetings- We discussed the new campaign
the Church has given us to use in finding-
“Because He Lives”. I hope you
have all had an opportunity to see it and are inviting everyone you know to
look at it. It is all over the
One Zone Leader trained about missionary dignity. One Sister Training Leader trained about the
power of being a positive leader. We
talked about enduring to the end, had
our mission indicators, had a sharing time of great missionary ideas, a section
on apartment inspections, etc….!!! A
great day!
During lunch- our assistants switched everyone’s books
around and moved papers and backpacks-
our one silly prank for April Fool’s Day!
I attended Tulsa East Zone Training Meeting in Muskogee and
President Shumway attended Tulsa Zone Training Meeting at the New Haven
Building in Tulsa. Both great
This afternoon we had an office staff meeting with our
wonderful Senior Missionaries.
April 4, 2015
- General Conference! A day we look forward to with great
I felt overwhelmed with gratitude today for the wonderful
counsel that was given by the brethren.
I absolutely know that they speak for Heavenly Father. I felt His Spirit many times today.
Our assistants joined us for the first session. Then President Shumway, Taylor, our
assistants, Richard and Emerson Crockett (so nice to have family here!) went to dinner before the Priesthood
session- our Shumway tradition, and Abby and I went out with our two Senior Sisters in the office to a very nice restaurant.
Grocery shopping, home to get ready for Sunday.
April 5, 2015- Another day of General Conference and Easter
to celebrate the Atonement!
A drizzley spring day in Oklahoma, but that couldn’t dampen
my spirits! We got to wrap up in our
blankets and listen to conference!
After the last session we had a fun gathering of family and
missionaries for our Easter dinner:
The Crockett family, our Senior office staff, our assistants and our Tulsa Spanish Elders, and us!
We truly enjoyed being with these wonderful people. After everyone left, we continued our Shumway
tradition of watching “The Lamb of God”
each Easter, which always makes me realize the magnitude of our Savior’s
sacrifice for us.
Happy Easter!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Hi dear loved ones!
So this week we've had two vehicles stuck in the mud, a couple of aching backs, a broken toe, stomach flu, stitches in a split knee, a terrible dog bite from a pit bull.......
Every week is an adventure in the OTM!
also had miracles! New investigators found- some just walk right up
to us and ask about the church. Sometimes our wonderful members here
invite their friends to church or to their homes and those are the best
stories of all- because they end with baptisms and covenants.
So here are a few of the things we've been up to in the last couple weeks.
We love you all dearly- our time is flying so fast!
President and Sister Shumway
March 10, 2015
Our first day of zone conferences! We started with the Tulsa, Tulsa East,
Bartlesville and Fort Smith Zones. All
came together at the Tulsa East Stake Center.
It was a very powerful and emotional day for me. I felt the Spirit all day long. There were many missionaries in this group
that are going home soon. I love each
one, and I was so touched as they shared their testimonies with the mission for the last time.
We started at 8:30 am with a group
picture of over a hundred! Our
assistants were very well organized and everybody was ready for that
quickly. The day consisted of many
trainings, workshops, 3 beautiful special musical numbers, a wonderful lunch, etc…. I present a health or safety training for
each of our conferences. I loved what
we did this time! I had some of the
missionaries throw “super” balls against a target in the gym and some throw
water balloons! This was all to make
the point of “bouncing back” - having a
positive attitude. Water balloons just
splat! They let the obstacle (wall) get
them down! It was fun! We also had a scripture bee- which we have
had before and really enjoyed.
These conferences are always full of
lots of tears- love for each other, love for the Savior, commitments to try harder, happiness at
seeing each other. Special days!
JOURNAL Wednesday 3-11-15
Wonderful Conference with the Bentonville Stake tonight! We invited them to come to a special Stake/Zone Conference and more than 800 showed up!
We had given the stake a list of the music we would like them to provide and it was really remarkable. Beautiful music bearing witness of the Savior.
The theme was "I am a disciple of Jesus Christ!" and there was such a powerful spirit there- truly I think the Holy Ghost bore witness to all of us of the reality of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I felt it.
We are in a hotel tonight in Bentonville. We'll have our 2nd Zone conference in Springdale tomorrow. It's 12:30 at night- off to bed.
THURSDAY 3-12-15
Another rewarding day spent with our missionaries. Zone conference in Springdale AR, with the Springdale, Joplin, Rogers, and Bentonville Zones. My favorite special musical number- Two Elders sang "Savior, Redeemer of my Soul". I did a lousy job of accompanying them, but it didn't matter. They were beautiful. This song touches my heart. The text was written years ago by Orson F. Whitney, and the music recently by Rob Gardner. It expresses my testimony of the Savior so completely. President Shumway loved it so much, he had them sing it again later on our agenda.
Workshops, talks, training, etc...- another full day!
We finished there about 5:30pm and drove two hours to Springfield, MO to be ready to have our last day of Zone Conferences tomorrow.
I have felt the Lord's sustaining power in the last few days. We are running hard and fast, yet we have the strength to do it. The Spirit has been present in our meetings. I am so grateful.
Friday 3-13-15
Zone Conference in Springfield MO. -Springfield, Springfield South, Monett, St. Robert and West Plains zones came. This was our biggest conference. About 95 missionaries. The same outline as the previous conferences this week, the same wonderful kind of missionaries, the same beautiful Spirit.
the conference we drove to Branson to go with our Zone Leaders there. We visited and taught a man who is
investigating the church. He is loving it and loving the Elders.
Saturday 3-14-15
fun missionary day! We attended a baptism in the morning- one little
girl and a wonderful woman. Both
were happy daughters of God.
the afternoon President and I met the Sister Missionaries- who work with the Young Single Adult Branch. These
two sisters are just the best! We went to the institute building and
participated in one of their lessons with an incredible young man who is
being baptized soon and is making major changes in his life. He is
so happy because he has the hope that the gospel brings. We taught him
about the Pathway Program that the Church offers through BYU Idaho. It
allows people to get their degrees online at such a minimal cost- and I
know he will do it! It will change his life.
met another wonderful young man they were teaching- it was his second
lesson. We couldn't stay for the lesson because we had to get to the
Springfield STake Center to prepare for another big Stake/Zone
Conference. This time about 300 attended and one of them was the young
man the sisters had just been teaching! He had just accepted an
invitation to be baptized! He came and sang in our missionary choir!
He just jumped right in! There was such an amazing feeling at this
conference- I was so glad he had come.
Sunday March 15, 2015
Oh what a week we’ve had! Six days of conferences, of one kind or
another! We are finally home! We missed our children this week, but they
were well cared for. Taylor is not even
here! He left yesterday morning for Utah
to spend spring break with his brothers-
they will go to Southern Utah for some fun!
Abby got to travel yesterday morning to
the Oklahoma City Temple with our youth here and she had a great
experience. So this begins her spring
break and she’ll have to hang out with Mom and Dad. We are going to include her in some
missionary experiences and we may take a minute or two to do something fun with
This morning we attended and spoke at
the Rogers AR Stake Conference. Oh I
love the people in Arkansas! These are
truly some of the most genuinely warm, loving people I’ve ever met! We are going to miss them! There was such a sweet spirit there- beautiful music, inspiring testimonies and
messages- from recent converts and
others. President Chandler, the stake
President spoke with power. This was his
first Stake Conference and he was prepared.
Two hour drive to home- we loved noticing that spring has come to our
mission! Some of the trees are in
blossom! And it was 72 degrees
MARCH 17, 2015
Drove to Henryetta, OK this morning to
work with two Sisters there-
Both are outstanding missionaries – hard workers who know the gospel and
have a desire to be great teachers and missionaries. Several of their appointments fell through
so we did a lot of door knocking with no success. But we did give away three pass-a-long
cards. You never know what will become
of those! And, we stopped for lunch at a
restaurant and talked our very nice waitress into sitting and watching a two
minute video- “Because of Him” (Easter
video from last year). She really
enjoyed it, told us she was Nazarene, but took the Sister’s names and phone
numbers, so we’ll see.
We did have an appointment with a less
active man and his non-member wife. They
are moving along the gospel path.
They own a crazy cat! That cat
never stopped running around the room!
It clawed at my nylons, chewed on my shoes, and clawed at my skirt! I guess it just liked me!
Abby spent the day hanging out at a
friend’s home.
Tonight- our assistants came for St. Patrick’s day
corned beef and cabbage.
was a strange spring break for Abby but I hope she enjoyed it. We took
her with us to the District Meeting in Joplin- it was great! Had
lunch with the missionaries there- found a referral!! Then on to
Ozark, MO to go out with the missionaries there. President went with
the Elders and Abby and I spent the night visiting and teaching with the
Sisters. I was especially touched by one of our
lessons- a young less-active mom with five young children. She is
divorced. Her story is complicated. But those children! They knew the
gospel! Their mother has told them the stories and the doctrines. It
brought me to tears. As we taught the children responded with real
testimonies. The oldest child is Abinadi- he is 13 years old. He
still has not been ordained to the Priesthood but he wants to be. I
watched this sweet Mom who works every day until 7pm (they had just
walked through the door) and she responded to each child with kindness,
love and patience. Surely the Lord is blessing her. This little family
needs a grandma and grandpa in the ward to love them. The Sisters
will try to help that happen.
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Joplin District-Abby was taking the picture- but she found a way to get in it!! |
Lunch out with the Joplin District :) Two beautiful Sister Missionaries! |
Two of our great Elders! |
MARCH 20, 2015
What a happy day! Nate, Jisoo and our darling Jenevi arrived
late this afternoon. We took some time to enjoy them!
We love getting to see our kids!
An Oklahoma Sunset- they are spectacular! |
March 21, 2015
Drove 2 and ½ hours to Monett MO to
present another Stake/Zone Conference,
our theme again, “I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. We took Nate and Jisoo with us and left Abby
to tend Jenevi. They baked cookies, ate
pizza and had fun together.
This was another wonderful meeting with
the incredible Saints in Missouri! We
truly do love them! Monett is a brand new
stake- organized just a couple of months
ago. This was the first real Stake meeting
they have had. It’s a fairly small stake
and very spread out, like all of them in Missouri, but we had several hundred
members show up and there were several investigators there so we were very
A wonderful young recent convert bore
her testimony- she is only 17 and the
only member of the church in her family.
They have taken her car keys, and taken away all her privileges because
she is going to church with the Mormons.
She is determined to be respectful to her parents but also determined to
come to church, so she willingly has given up her car keys, listens to her
parent’s criticism and finds rides to church.
I wonder if I would have so much courage. I am amazed by her!
March 22, 2015
Nate, Jisso, and Jenevi came to our New
Haven ward this morning. President
Shumway spoke in Pryor, OK at their sacrament meeting. Taylor spoke in our sacrament meeting and
gave a wonderful talk! I was so proud of
I was happy to be able to teach another
Temple Preparation lesson this morning.
My class has shrunk. There are
really only 3 families and two single men that come regularly. That’s ok with me. If I can help even get one of them to the
temple, I will be thrilled.
Tonight- President spoke in a Stake Priesthood meeting in Bartlesville, OK
and I had 16 people for dinner! I had invited two of our Elders to join us for dinner and told them they could
bring an investigator and they brought 4 people! A part-member couple- wonderful people! And two young people – one young man that is
headed on a mission and his non-member girlfriend- two exceptional young people. Our senior office missionaries and
assistants also came- it was a wonderful
dinner and our conversations centered around the blessings of the gospel. The Elders taught a powerful
lesson about the atonement. I am so
grateful for these experiences that we have here in the mission home. I love the feeling that comes when this house
is full of the Lord’s anointed servants.
It is a sacred place to me.
Another week of blessings in the OTM! I am grateful to have seen the atonement at work in so many lives, I am grateful for the fellowship we feel with the great saints here, I am grateful for the Book of Mormon that so clearly teaches all the beautiful truths of the gospel, I am grateful to be a missionary in the OTM!
Sunday, March 8, 2015
MARCH 2015
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Ours was especially great because our grandson Preston came to visit!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Ours was especially great because our grandson Preston came to visit!
We traveled to Springdale AR for their
Stake Conference. This was a very
special Stake Conference. The Stake
President, ______ has served for many years and will be released tomorrow. We have loved getting to know him and his
wonderful wife. There were two
visiting general authorities to reorganize the stake. We have been with Elder _____ several times
before in meetings and have grown to love him.
Abby and Preston came along with
us. While President attended the
afternoon Priesthood session, I took them to get a bite to
eat, then we all attended the evening Adult Session. One thing I love and will never forget about
the Springdale Stake Conferences is their remarkable choir from the Marshallese
Branch. This time they sang “The Spirit
of God” in Marshallese with no accompaniment.
It’s an inspiring, touching sound.
It always makes me cry. These are
humble people who love the Lord- we can
feel that.
President and I spoke in this session. Afterwards Abby and Preston had an
opportunity to visit with Elder ______ for a few minutes. That was a special experience for all of us.
Got home about 12:00- which was really 1:00am because of the time
change! But we were so grateful to have
I love Sunday. I love knowing it’s the Lord’s day, and even though in the mission field all our
days belong to the Lord, this day is different.
We have the great blessing of taking the sacrament, of remembering the
atonement and remembering our covenants.
It’s a sacred day.
We were in our home ward for sacrament
meeting and then President left for a meeting in Bartlesville, OK, and I stayed
in our ward to teach another Temple Preparation Class. That has been a great experience for me. Most of the people in the class are recent
converts. I realized today as I was
sharing Doctrine and Covenants 109- the
dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland Temple- that most of these people didn’t even
know about the Kirtland Temple. I
shared a little history. We take so much
for granted, but I’m grateful to see the expressions of eagerness and joy in
learning about the history of temples, and in coming to understand the
sacredness of the temple and the eternal blessings that await. Sometimes, in this class, I almost feel
like we are in the temple. Just talking
about it brings the Spirit.
Tonight we had a special Sunday
dinner. In attendance:
President Shumway, Myself, Abby, Taylor, _Elders________ (our assistants),
Elders__________(from the Cedar Ridge area), Elder ______!! (a returned missionary- so
much fun to have him here!), our Senior
Missionaries from the office- and one of their daughters who came to visit.
Our great Cedar Ridge Elders shared a missionary message with us after
dinner. I love these missionaries. I love their messages, their invitations to
us. I love this work. I love feeling the Spirit many times in a
I will miss this!
The gospel is true- I don’t have any doubt of it! Following the Savior in all things is the way
for all of us to have real happiness in this life and eternal joy in the life
to come! As President Hinckley said, “The
best is yet to come!” I believe that!
Our wonderful Sunday night dinner guests! |
One of our beloved returned missionaries came to visit! |
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A recent teaching appointment- you never can tell who you'll be teaching! |
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This cute possum sat by me on the couch while we taught the lesson! She was rescued as a baby by this nice lady! |
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Taylor recently performed in the Jenks High School musical- Mary Poppins! Here he is with Mary herself! |
Friday, March 6, 2015
Hi Dear Friends and Family,
Here comes the rest of our mission, one day at a time! I think I have 5 minutes every nite to spend sharing a little with you! Love and miss you all!
What a great day today! President and Preston, our amazing grandson who is here to visit, and I left at 7:30am to travel to Springfield, MO. We had a wonderful meeting there with most of our Senior Missionaries. It was a tender time for us. The _____ are leaving on Tuesday to return home- they have finished their mission. They are incredible people. Elder _____ has been a Stake President, Temple Sealer and Sister _____has also been a life long church servant. This is their second mission- the first was in Australia. They served in two places in our mission- Springfield, MO and the tiny branch of Salem Mo. The people in Salem are so sad to loose them. The _____ became such a part of the church there.
Our Senior Missionaries are consecrated saints of God who are determined to serve the Lord for the rest of their lives. They are great examples to me.
Preston bore his testimony in the meeting- it was so tender and beautiful. He has a pure heart and a real love for God. I am so proud of him!
After the meeting we took them all to Lamberts- "home of the throwed rolls"! I know I've told you about this before- they really throw the rolls! It's awesome!
They gave us sort of a semi-private room and we just really enjoyed it. One of our servers, was so kind and cheerful with us. We invited her to learn more about the gospel and she accepted the invitation! I'm so excited to see what happens with that!
Long drive home! And much more to do tonight! It's midnight and I'm almost done!
Here comes the rest of our mission, one day at a time! I think I have 5 minutes every nite to spend sharing a little with you! Love and miss you all!
What a great day today! President and Preston, our amazing grandson who is here to visit, and I left at 7:30am to travel to Springfield, MO. We had a wonderful meeting there with most of our Senior Missionaries. It was a tender time for us. The _____ are leaving on Tuesday to return home- they have finished their mission. They are incredible people. Elder _____ has been a Stake President, Temple Sealer and Sister _____has also been a life long church servant. This is their second mission- the first was in Australia. They served in two places in our mission- Springfield, MO and the tiny branch of Salem Mo. The people in Salem are so sad to loose them. The _____ became such a part of the church there.
Our Senior Missionaries are consecrated saints of God who are determined to serve the Lord for the rest of their lives. They are great examples to me.
Preston bore his testimony in the meeting- it was so tender and beautiful. He has a pure heart and a real love for God. I am so proud of him!
After the meeting we took them all to Lamberts- "home of the throwed rolls"! I know I've told you about this before- they really throw the rolls! It's awesome!
They gave us sort of a semi-private room and we just really enjoyed it. One of our servers, was so kind and cheerful with us. We invited her to learn more about the gospel and she accepted the invitation! I'm so excited to see what happens with that!
Long drive home! And much more to do tonight! It's midnight and I'm almost done!
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Hi dear family and friends!
believe January is already gone- it's making me panic! We still have
so much to do and so little time to do it in! Hope you'll pray for us
that we can work faster! And get by with less sleep! We are sprinting!
Love all of you so much!
Sister Shumway
Tues Jan 27, 2015
Yesterday- Monday- we held Mission Leadership Council in
Bentonville, AR. There were 38 Zone
leaders and Sister Training Leaders- all
outstanding young men and women- We count on them and trust them
completely! They did a lot of the
training and it was incredible. So many
of them are natural teachers.
Sister _____, one of our office staff, and responsible for
keeping the records, came to show the Zone Leaders how to do some of the
recording on a new system. She saved my
life! I had chosen a potato bar for
lunch. It turned out to be a little more
difficult than I thought to transport everything we needed. Sister Fowler helped get it all ready, serve
it and then stayed while we were in the meeting and washed a huge pile of
dishes- bless her! I was so grateful!
After the conference ended about 4 pm, I traveled home (2
hours) to be with the kids and President stayed in Bentonville to start his 9
days of interviews.
This morning early I traveled the 2 hours right back to
Bentonville, to be with the missionaries.
I have a little visit with the missionary that will interview next with
President, while he is interviewing the previous one. It gives me a chance to get to know our
missionaries better. I love doing
this- I love these missionaries. My heart hurts when theirs does, and I
rejoice in the wonderful blessings that come to them- the baptisms, the new investigators, the
miracles! I treasure these visits. We
went from Bentonville to Rogers, then down to Springdale. 3 zones of interviews- it took President
Shumway all day to get them done.
Afterwards, he traveled to Fort Smith AR to begin interviews there
tonight and I traveled the 2 hours to home - lots of chasing around with Abby
late this afternoon- signed her up for a
local gym so she can continue to work her leg-
ACL repair is doing well! And Abby
had her Tuesday night art class- she is working with ink right now. She is truly an incredible artist! The Art Center where she studies is going to
do a display of her work!
Taylor gets home late from school every day now- he is in the school musical- "Mary Poppins"! Can't wait to see it! Like everything else that Jenks High School does- this is a major production- looks like Broadway!
Taylor gets home late from school every day now- he is in the school musical- "Mary Poppins"! Can't wait to see it! Like everything else that Jenks High School does- this is a major production- looks like Broadway!
Wednesday Jan 28- Sunday Feb 1, 2015
Wednesday through Friday I went everywhere President Shumway
went- and talked with all the
missionaries he interviewed. What a
blessing for me! I loved every minute of
Saturday I attended two baptisms and ran as fast as I could
to be ready to teach the first Temple Preparation class on Sunday for our New
Haven ward. There were about 12 to 15
people in the class. I asked them why they
were in the temple preparation class and immediately the Spirit filled the
room. There were lots of tears. These dear saints greatly desire to go to the
House of the Lord.
Sunday evening we had an extra set of missionaries for our
dinner- we invited the Jenks Elders to
come- Wonderful Elders!
Monday 2-2-15
Yesterday was the first really cold day in many days. It’s been in the 70s off and on all
January! I love January in Tulsa,
Two missionaries reported back about their birthday wishes!
I gave Elder _____ a birthday wish! To find a new investigator by giving away a
copy of the Book of Mormon. He found his
birthday wish – a friend of a man in their ward. The man said “Thank you for opening the door
to the rest of my life!”
I gave Elder ________ the same wish! To find a new investigator by giving away a
copy of the Book of Mormon. He found his
birthday wish! They went to talk with a
less active member who turned out not to be home, so then tracted around his
house and knocked on the door of a wonderful family- father, mother and 3
children, who allowed them to teach a lesson right then and accepted a copy of
the Book of Mormon. Tonight they had
another lesson and the father said he has always had a strong belief in the
Savior and wondered why. Now he thinks
it was in preparation for the missionaries to come to them.
Missionary work is full of miracles!
TUESDAY 2-3-15
Very interesting day!
I left Tulsa at 7am to travel to Anderson MO to go out with our Sister Missionaries there. The day was
stunning! The sun came up warm and
bright. I traveled over “Sailboat
Bridge” , crossing a huge stretch of
glistening blue Grand Lake, to get to the other side and the town of
Gore, OK.
Traveled over the roller coaster roads- they even tickle my
tummy when I’m doing the driving! The
area going into Anderson MO is thickly forested, no leaves on the trees now,
but still beautiful!
We had some companionship study together. During our study a lady, who has some severe
health problems, called to see if the sisters could come and help her. I met her over a year ago when I was there
visiting other sisters! She is not a
member but she loves the sisters.
We had
chores to do! We fed and watered her
rabbits, her pheasants, and then swept every inch of her house- she has visitors coming. And while we were there, another very nice
lady (also not a member) came to help. I
was absolutely amazed by her! She roofs
houses, fixes cars, fixes plumbing, chops trees, rides a Harley-Davidson for
charity rides, and a dozen other things!
She is not afraid to try anything!
We could use her in the church!
She said the sisters were welcome to visit her at her home!
After that visit we went on to 3 different homes, each with
sisters from Pohnpei, a Micronesian Island in the Pacific. Each sister was quiet and humble and very
kind to us. They are all less active
members that our sister missionaries are working with. They have come to Missouri like so many
others to work in the chicken industry. They need the gospel. It would make such a difference in their lives.
My drive home was just as beautiful as the drive there. I saw a field of buffalo, lounging in the
sun. And passed by many fields of
cattle- and hundreds of calves! Is this the season for baby calves? Who knew!
Went through a small town called “Cow Skin”. I love the names out here! And back over the big blue lake!
Abby had art tonight-
she is doing some great things!
And Taylor came home late from his Musical practice. President is still out on the road conducting
interviews. One more day of that.
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Oklahoma Sunrise out my car window! |
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Let there be light! |
Grand Lake and Sailboat Bridge |
Monday, December 15, 2014
Hi Dear Ones,
I'm just so far behind with this, Im not even planning on catching up- the missionary work moves forward at an every quickening pace and we are running to keep up. It is so exciting! This is the best work ever! I can't even begin to tell you how dearly I love these missionaries and how grateful I am for the privilege of being a full time missionary. I know we haven't done it perfectly. But we've loved it perfectly! Here are a few more journal entries.
Thursday November 13, 2014
I'm just so far behind with this, Im not even planning on catching up- the missionary work moves forward at an every quickening pace and we are running to keep up. It is so exciting! This is the best work ever! I can't even begin to tell you how dearly I love these missionaries and how grateful I am for the privilege of being a full time missionary. I know we haven't done it perfectly. But we've loved it perfectly! Here are a few more journal entries.
Monday Nov 3, 2014
Left at 7:00am to drive 2 hours to Bentonville AR, for our
Mission Leadership Council. President
Shumway and I took separate cars because he will continue on from there to do
his 10 days of interviews with every missionary in our mission.
It was our largest group of mission leaders ever! 43 of them!
26 Zone Leaders and 17 Sister Training Leaders and they are every one
outstanding missionaries and wonderful people!!
I feel so honored to get to spend a day with them and learn from them.
We reviewed many of the things Elder ______(General Authority) taught
at our Zone Conferences. Our mission therapist from LDS Family Social Services, came to teach
about “Dealing with Depression”. We have
a number of missionaries that struggle with this, and his presentation was
perfect for our leaders to understand how they can encourage and help
missionaries that are having a hard time with this. We had training from two Sister Training
Leaders – - about a program Sister _______ brought
from a previous mission- Home
Primary! This is going to be a great
tool to use with less active families.
We also had training from two Elders about family
history work- they have had huge success
with it in St. Robert- dozens of
referrals from members. They taught us
how to use Family Search to do missionary work-
excellent training! President
gave some inspired training- it was just
a great day.
Everyone helped get lunch ready- Hoagies, chips, veggies, fruit, and
cookies. It takes a lot of food to feed
that many missionaries- especially Elders!
I hauled it from the mission home in a giant cooler.
We finished with the meeting about 4;15. By the time I cleaned up, and talked with a
dozen missionaries, it was 5;45. I got
home after 8:00pm.
Taught Abby and Taylor a seminary lesson (I’m their teacher
now- did I say that?). And I’m
Wednesday Nov 5, 2014
Gone by 9:00am to be in Muskogee for a District Meeting
there with 8 missionaries plus the zone leaders- Great district meeting, and
then I stayed in Muskogee to go out with the Sisters missionaries there. As it turned out they had arranged an
exchange, so I was with one Sister and one went with a member.
It was a touching appointment. This lady is sick- she recently had a stoke because of
diabetes. She still needs a little
support to walk. She is a less active
member of the church – probably 60 years old and living with a man who is not a
member. They have been together for years. He has cancer- leukemia. They are living in a trailer in back of a run
down little house- her grandmother’s house-
who died years ago. They can’t
live in the house because the gas line under the house is broken and they can’t
afford to fix it and the crawl space is filled with spiders. It’s the same kind of poverty we see all over
our mission and it breaks my heart.
This sweet lady had a pure heart and her eyes welled up with
tears several times while Sister ____was teaching her. Especially at one point- as Sister ____
shared that her mother had been a less active member of the church for years
and a smoker and drinker. Just before
she came on her mission, she and her brother, who was also leaving on a
mission, approached their mother and told her how important it was to them that
they be sealed together as a family before the two left on their missions. It changed their mother’s heart. She stopped her bad habits and made herself
worthy. They were sealed just a short
time before Sister ____ left for her mission.
I had no idea this had been Sister ____background. It makes me respect her even
more. Her father is an active
member, but there have been so many problems because of her mother, and this sister has had the strength to stay
faithful on her own.
She’s a remarkable young woman.
Friday Nov 7, 2014
I spent a wonderful day in Alma AR with two sisters. We visited an investigator who
is struggling to know if the gospel is true and is having great pressure from
her husband and other relatives to discontinue seeing the missionaries and stop
reading the Book of Mormon. She asked
us what she should do. The answer is
always the same- she will have to come
to know for herself if the Book of Mormon is true, through study, prayer. She will need to keep God’s
commandments. She will be blessed for
all of it. And she will have to trust the Lord to take care of the rest- it will take so much faith. It hurt my heart- it has got to be a scary thing.
In the afternoon I worked with the Sisters in Van Buren,
AR- They are struggling to find. After some planning and prayer, we went to
find a sister who had asked for her name to be removed from the records of the
church. She was so happy to see the
sisters. She still has a testimony- she just wants her questions answered. The sisters will help her- we’ll see what happens.
Our mission, the world is full of people needing the gospel,
searching for the gospel. So many things
get in the way- because Satan is so good
at what he does. I’m going to pray for
those two sisters.
Saturday Nov 8, 2014
Attended a baptism. A wonderful young couple, baptized
by one of our great Zone Leaders. This is a young couple who got married and
then baptized. They are going to need a
lot of support to keep making progress in the gospel, but they are focused on
the temple and that will help.
President Shumway will get home about midnight tonight- long week for him!
Tuesday Nov 11, 2014
I’ve had two incredible days spent with missionaries! President is in his second week of
interviews, and I went with him on Monday to the Springdale Zone and today to
the Bartlesville Zone. The Zone Leaders
conducted Zone Training meetings while President Shumway pulled missionaries
out for interviews, and I talked with the missionary who was waiting to go in
next. It was such a pleasant time to
visit with our OTM missionaries that I dearly love. Each one of them is so unique and each has
divine gifts- I see that.
I’m also so impressed and touched by the great desire they
all have to be better missionaries, to be more consecrated, to be more
obedient, to work harder. They all want
to do more! Sometimes I am brought to
tears as they tell me their challenges,
and their miracles. These days
have been a gift to me.
Tonight one of our senior couples, who have been serving in
Salem, MO, came in to the mission home.
Their mission is completed. They
are an outstanding senior couple! He has
been serving as the branch president there.
When they first arrived they would get about 20 people out to church,
sometimes as low as 11. There was so
much work to do. They just started
visiting and loving. Last Sunday they
sent us a picture of the ward family, standing out in front of the chapel on
the last Sunday they were there. 80
people!! They have truly made a
difference there. These are the
sweetest, most unassuming, humble people you could ever meet and they love the
Lord. They are such a great example to
We had a special farewell dinner for them with a
short meeting afterwards to hear their testimonies. Our senior office missionaries and our
assistants came. They will spend the night here in the mission home. They
will depart for home tomorrow.
What a special day! I
got to hear Taylor sing a solo for the Jenks High School Veterans Day
Assembly- he sang yesterday and today-
the student body is so large- 5,000, that they can’t fit them all in the
Performing Arts Center at the same time.
He was incredible, and the students loved it!
I went straight from there to the Tulsa East Stake Center to
spend the next three hours visiting with Elders- no sisters in this Zone! It was their Zone Training Meeting- President conducted interviews with every
missionary and I visited with every missionary!
Such a privilege to listen to the things they have learned here in the
mission field, to hear their testimonies, to hear stories of the miracles that
have happened in their areas, and to hear the miracles that are happening at
home with their families. The Lord has
been so kind to all of them as they have given Him their time and strength to
serve. I love our missionaries!!
Saturday November 15,
So much to do this day!
President, Taylor and Abby left at 8:am to drive one hour north to
Bartlesville. President and Taylor were
presenting at our 3-stake youth fireside-
President speaking and they both sang for the youth. Abby just got to enjoy it!
I went to the Broken Arrow building to do a workshop for a
3-ward women’s conference.
President and Taylor got done at noon- He drove north to St. Robert to teach at the
leadership portion of their Stake Conference.
Taylor left in his own car to hurry to football for the Senior football pictures. Abby came home with ward members. I came home to hurry and change and take
Taylor (when he got home from football!)
to Oklahoma City for auditions for the All-state Choir- a one and a half
hour drive- one way.
I enjoyed the drive so much!
Taylor sang all the way there- practicing and warming up- I love to hear him sing. His choral director called tonight- Taylor made it! He’s in the All-State Choir!
On the way home we talked and worked on part of his Eagle Scout
Application- him on my I-pad.
Poor Abby- we just
left her home alone all afternoon. She
worked on homework.
Got home- made a
grocery list- ran to WalMart- home!
It’s 10:30pm- that
must mean it’s time to go to bed – we can only hope!
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